Professional Conduct of Drivers :-
Driver :- We can call any individual a driver who has taken driver's qualification training and passed the necessary theoretical and practical tests and has been given a driver's qualification certificate (driver's license).
Profession :- It is a respected and loved field of work in the society and is available through education and training in a certain field of knowledge.
A profession is a field of work that provides appropriate services to the society by using the knowledge, skills and thinking gained through education and training.
Ethics : It is a value that allows us to distinguish between good and bad and encourages us to leave the bad and follow the good.
Professional ethics : Professionals refer to the principles and regulations that must be strictly followed by the members of the profession in order to be effective in their work.
Driving is a skill that requires mental and physical coordination, so it should be given attention. Based on this, every driver should follow the following points as a principle.
- As the driver plays an important role in traffic safety and peaceful movement of road transport, it is important to drive carefully.
- The driver is required not only to protect his own life, but also to take care of the safety and property of the society.
- He is responsible for preventing and maintaining damage that may occur every minute and every hour due to the mistakes of drivers and technical defects of vehicles.
- He is responsible for preventing accidents that may occur due to ignorance, negligence and undisciplined drivers or pedestrians.
❖ Drivers who respect their professional ethics and drive should do the following good deeds
✔ If they drive, they don't drink; And if they drink, they don't drive.
✔ Take full rest when you feel sleepy.
✔ They do not take medicine and drive unless it is prescribed by medical professionals and it is confirmed that it will not cause problems in their driving.
✔ Do not drive for more than four (4) hours without a break.
✔ Respect the traffic laws and regulations and drive.
✔ Do not drive under the influence of any drugs.
✔ Do not interfere with other drivers.
✔ Whether there is a traffic controller or not, they obey the rules and regulations and drive
✔ You understand that the safety of the passenger is the driver's responsibility.
✔ They use the appropriate sign in the appropriate place and time in the process of moving and stopping.
✔ They respond to the traffic lights.
✔ They protect themselves and others from danger.
✔ They are very careful at intersections and curves.
✔ Do not use the long headlight in urban areas.
✔ Drive at a slower speed in crowded areas.
✔ They plan their trip, save time, prepare to avoid causing problems.
✔ They don't drive their cars on roads that are difficult to drive.
✔ They protect the entire body of their vehicle.
Whether the various parts of their vehicle are working properly
They check before they move.
✔ If the weather is at a bad level, you will never drive until better weather is available or arrives.
Protect others and themselves from dangerous situations.
Give priority to pedestrians or pedestrians.
✔ Drive within the speed limit.
✔ Respect international road lines and drive
✔ Always carry a driver's license while driving.
✔ When driving, they hold the steering wheel with both hands unless it is necessary.
Drivers who don't respect their professional ethics will commit the following bad actions
✔ They drink alcohol and drive.
✔ They don't take full rest when they feel sleepy.
✔ It is prescribed by medical professionals and does not cause problems in their driving
They take or use unapproved drugs and drive.
✔ They drive for more than four (4) hours without a break.
✔ They don't follow the traffic rules and regulations.
✔ They take any drugs and drive.
✔ Interact with other drivers.
✔ Do not follow the rules and regulations and drive unless there is a traffic controller.
✔ They do not realize that the safety of the passenger is the responsibility of the driver.
✔ They don't use the appropriate sign at the appropriate place and time in the process of moving and stopping.
✔ They do not respond to traffic lights.
✔ They do not protect themselves or others from danger.
✔ They do not take great care on intersections and curves.
✔ Use the long headlight in urban areas.
✔ You drive fast in crowded areas.
✔ They don't plan their trip, they don't save time, they cause problems.
✔ They will drive their car on a difficult road.
✔ They do not protect the entire body of their vehicle.
✔ Before driving, they do not check that the various parts of their vehicle are working properly.
✔ Even if the weather is at a bad level, they never wait for better weather to arrive or they drive blindly.
✔ They do not protect others and themselves from dangerous situations.
✔ They do not give priority to pedestrians or pedestrians.
✔ You don't drive within the speed limit.
✔ Don't follow international road lines.
✔ Do not carry driver's license while driving.
✔ While driving, they hold the steering wheel in one hand.
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